NewsReader. It is a program to fetch website feeds using RSS technology. It was programmed by my dear friend Mohamed Hedi Bettaieb from Tunisia, with the support of our great teacher, Salah Al-Barassi.
It contains a number of international news websites, in addition to a group of websites for the blind that have been previously developed.
Now I leave you with an explanation of the program and an overview of it as written by the programmer. I do not forget before that to thank him for this distinguished work.
Welcome to News_Reader in its first release.
News_Reader is a program that enables you to follow news from several sites with a single, simple and easy-to-use interface.
The language of the program is Arabic, and the program is fully compatible with screen readers.
This text contains 3 elements of the “level 1 title” category, that is, you can navigate within it by pressing the “1” button at the top of the character panel, and these elements are: how to use the program, information about the program, and information explaining what the RSS service is.
1- How to use the program:
The program interface contains two lists: the list of sites, the list of news addresses, and a single button.
When it starts, the program will display the list of sites while the list of news headlines will be empty.
Select the site you want to click on it with the mouse or the Enter button.
And the program will show you the addresses of that site in the list of news addresses.
Navigate with arrows between the news headlines of that site, and to read the details of the selected news, you have the following options:
Clicking with the mouse or the Internet button on the news title or navigating through the tab and you will find the “news details” button. In all these cases, the program will open your browser to the desired news page in the specified location.
· The program includes by default 20 sites.
You can add any site you want provided that you get the RSS link for that site.
To add a new site, right-click or the Applications button anywhere in the list of sites, and a menu will appear for you, choose “Add a new site” and follow the instructions.
· The program allows modifying any site: its name or its RSS link, and allows deleting any of the stored sites.
To modify or delete a site or copy its RSS link, stand on the site name, then open the context menu with the applications button or with the right mouse button, choose what you want, then follow the instructions.
2- About the program:
This is the first release V1.0 of “News_Reader”.
It was designed using the Python programming language.
I, Muhammad Al-Hadi Al-Tayeb (Tunisia), completed it under the supervision, supervision, training, review and correction of Mr. Salah Atir Al-Barasi (Libya), a professional programmer in the Python language.
لكل ملاحظاتكم يمكنكم التواصل معي عبر البريد الإلكتروني:
3- What is RSS?:
RSS is an acronym for (Rich Site Summary) – a condensed summary of the site – or (Really Simple Syndication) – a very simplified feed – and it is a service that delivers to you the latest updates of the content of the site that you subscribe to as soon as it happens, for example: major news headlines, blog contents, videos , weather updates … etc., where you can get new content for your favorite sites without having to log into each site separately, and the information that you receive from these sites is called RSS Feed.
RSS was introduced around 1999 by developers from Netscape, Dan Libby and Ramanathan V. Guh. The first RSS release was in March 1999, and it was called RSS 0.9. In July 1999 Dan Libby developed a new version, RSS 0.91. In 2002, the New York Times introduced the RSS Feed on its site, after which all well-known sites in the world became equipped with RSS services.
The RSS service saves you time to browse your favorite sites that you follow continuously. Instead of opening more than one site to get news, this service enables you to get it in one window on your device that supports this service within a few seconds.
To take advantage of RSS, you need a program that can read and display the information sent and this program is called RSS Reader, and the RSS Reader (such as the program you are going to use now) updates the information automatically, as it enables you to obtain and browse the RSS Feed from different sites, as the Our program will display in front of you all the news headlines published on the site of your choice, displaying them in front of you in the form of a simplified list, and all you have to do is click on a specific headline, so your browser will open the details of that news for you on its site, and you can view the news headlines of several sites without entering any of them.
Program review:
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