السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، أصدقائي الأعزاء. منذ عدة أشهر، كنت أعمل بشكل مستمر على مشروع كبير، ربما هو أفضل ما حققته منذ زمن في مجال تطوير المواقع الإلكترونية. كما تعلمون، فإن موقع مكتبة خير صديق قام بتطويره أستاذنا العزيز محمد الشرع رحمه الله، وكان يعمل عليه ويطوره باستمرار. الموقع كان مبنيًّا على سيرفر خاص، […]
تجربتي للوحة تحكم Plesk
مرحبا بكم. قبل مدة قررت نقل الاستضافة الحالية لمواقعي ومواقع الأصدقاء إلى سيرفر جديد، لمحاولة تخفيض التكاليف 😂 لأن شركة الاستضافة التي كنت أستضيف لديهم رفعوا الأسعار‘… المهم، قررت هذه المرة، حجز سيرفر باستضافة ذاتية، واخترت لوحة تحكم أستخدمها لأول مرة هي لوحة تحكم Plesk منذ أن بدأت في استضافة المواقع، كنت أستخدم اللوحة الشهيرة […]
Migrate WordPress sites from one server to another via Migrate Guru
A while ago, I was looking for a way to transfer a WordPress site from one hosting to another in a quick way, especially since the site exceeds 10 GB in size, and the manual transfer process will take time. There are a lot of add-ons that help transfer sites, but most of them cannot transfer a site of this size, except in paid plans. During the research, I got to know the Migrate […]
Unfortunately… my server got hacked.
Hello dear visitors of my site, I hope you are well. I meet you today in a slightly different post.. This is definitely a different experience.. A few days ago, I noticed strange behavior on one of the sites I manage. At first I thought it was a simple WordPress issue. But I noticed that there are many files placed in the home directory, and then I discovered that […]
Move emails from one server to another using IMAP Sync?
welcome. Most of those who work in the field of web development know the great difficulty that we face when transferring the site from one server to another if the control panels are different. For example, if the site works with Cpanel, and you want to transfer it to a hosting that has a special control panel, you will need to transfer everything manually often. For the website, you can […]
How can you improve the performance of your WordPress site?
Welcome to a new article about WordPress, and today we are going to talk about optimization, and here we mean performance optimization of course. There is a lot to do on our website in terms of improvements, perhaps the most important of which are improving accessibility, improving content presentation, user experience, and so on. But today I will list some important points for you, related to making your WordPress site work better, or […]