Welcome to this post, in which we will try to make a schedule for our monthly basic expenses, to calculate and organize expenses.
As for the benefits of regulation and other financial matters, ask the economists, I'm just for the technical stuff. Go to Excel and follow these steps:
Note: This table is made by me and I don't know if it is organized in this way, but I find it easy and I can read it.
1. In column A we will start writing the basic data for the table.
Write in A1 the personal expense schedule, or any heading you prefer.
In A2 we will write the item, here we mean our expense item.
Now starting from A3 we will start writing down our basic expenditure items, such as bills, loans, home expenses, children's education, emergency fund, internet subscriptions. Everyone records their recurring expenses. We will leave some blank cells for any additions.
Now in cell A22 we will write the income. In cell A23 we will write the total expenses for this month. And cell A24 we'll write the remainder.
Note that cells from A3 to A21 are all allocated to the exchange items, not necessarily filling them all in, but we left them for any additions.
2. Now that we've finished with the basic headings, we'll move on to our second step by adding the months January through December, we'll add them in rows B2 through M2.
Notice that I didn't put a title with the name of the month in the header of the table, in fact I forgot when I was preparing my table, and then decided I didn't add it, since it was known.
3. Now that we've added the months and expense items, it's time to add the personal expenses, I'll try to keep it as simple as possible.
Let's say my first disbursement item is Invoices whose address we wrote in cell A3, the corresponding rows would be B3 through M3, which would represent the 12 months we added in step two.
In these cells, you will fill in the value of the bills that you paid each month in numerical format, or you can record the estimated numbers if you only want to project your annual expenses.
The rest of the cells we will fill in in the same way. If we have the children’s education in cell A4, the value of what you paid per month will be in cells from B4 to M4, and so on for the rest of the items.
4. In the fourth step, we will calculate the expenses for each month using mathematical formulas.
The cells we'll be working on are: B22, B23, and B24, in the example, for the month of January.
You will remember that cell A22 was assigned to income, this means that we are going to add our monthly income in the rows opposite this cell for each month, so that we can calculate the monthly expenses in the total expenses column.
Let's start by adding our income in cell B22, for the month of January.
Then you can complete the task for the following months by month in cells C22. D22. and even M22
Now moving to B23 which we have allocated to calculate the total expenses for this month, we will write the following formula in cell B23:
This formula will add the numbers in cells B3 to B21, which contain January expenses, and the sum will appear in this cell. Any modification you make to the numbers in these cells will be automatically reflected in the sum. Empty cells have no effect. They will be added as soon as numbers are added to them in the future.
For all months B23 to M23, the same formula must be added. The easiest way to add it is to copy cell B23 and paste it into all the cells after it.
Finally, we'll move to cell B24 for the month of January, labeled B: Remaining. Here the remaining amounts will be calculated after deducting expenses, based on the income you added in B22
We'll add the formula:
We finally finished. It remains for me to tell you that what we applied to column B will apply to the rest completely, with the need to copy the formulas from the first cell after writing them, and then paste them into the rest.
Before ending this long article, I have to mention an important point for screen reader users, after we have finished adding everything in the table, we will mark the beginning of the row and column headers, so that the screen reader can read their headings for ease of use.
In our table, we will stand on A2 and press NVDA + shift + c to select it as the beginning of the column headers. Then we will stand on A3 and press NVDA + shift + r to set the beginning of the row header. You'll notice that as you move around in the table, your screen reader will read the table headings instead of just the letters.
I hope you will benefit from this article, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
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